Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world." 
-Elaine S. Dalton


Somber day.  Went out with the mobile medical clinic to a beautiful colony with about 15 patients.  My station was sitting with the nurse as she poked, cleaned and cut at the ulcers.  It was sad.  Leprosy is a funny thing because for some people, their nerves have died and they can't feel their limbs.  For others, it makes them hyper sensitive.  In both cases, it was hard to watch.  I don't usually have the stomach for anything surgerylike (when I worked at the dermo, I couldn't even eat lunch if they left the door open while operating on someone. The noises alone! So sick). But today I just had to tune out the actual ulcers and zone in on the patient.  They needed a little comfort and I couldn't give it if I was dry heaving under my mask ya know.  Had to step up.  And that was good for me.  Hard, but good.  Look at me in my big girl pants now, hahaha :)  So ya, that's today and now we leave for the Chennai airport at the lovely hour of 3.  AM that is.  Then it's to Dehli, Agra, and who knows what else.  I'm excited to experience some more culture as an actual tourist (still gonna wear Chudadars though, I just love these comfy things :)


  1. Amy,
    I just read your whole blog, and love it so much!
    You made me laugh and cry.
    By the way you are a very talented writer! I love your style.
    I can't believe the experiences you have had first hand, AMAZING!

  2. We were just saying, "I bet Amy loves wearing those comfy Indian clothes (chudadars)" did we peg you or what? It would be hard for anyone to watch what you've seen...you amaze!

    1. Ya ya ya, haha but honestly I still rather wear basketball shorts. These things still have drawstrings and safety pins

  3. Aim you are stronger than me. I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see your pictures and hear more stories when you return. Take a picture with an elephant for me!

    1. Friday! I think.... It'll be an instagram for sure :)

  4. PS Jules is right. You are a good writer...but I've always known that.

    1. Really? Cause I re read these and think I sound ridiculous so thank you both

  5. You couldn't eat your lunch, so you are mine. So sad for those people, I'm glad you were strong.
